Growing the industry
Developing the “eating out” culture
The question we asked ourselves was; how do we get Armenians away from
their kitchens and into the restaurants? How can we
create a sustainable and recurring experience that will drive HoReCa
First we looked at Armenian eating out behaviors and identified a
couple sustainable experiences that occur every year within the
market. There is fall and winter for “xash” - Xash Season. There is
summer for tourists - Tourist Season. The industry had a huge gap
during spring, which is where we found our opportunity.
Spring is considered the best season to eat lamb. It is the season
where sheep graze in the open fields, as the fields are filled with
lush green grass. Lamb meat in the Spring time is the healthiest and
juiciest meat you can find throughout the year.
Thus the “GaRun” Festival was born.
As a result, the festival is now being held every year from March 1 to June 1, during this time the restaurants offer exclusive meals with lamb. During the first year 5 restaurants joined the festival, second year it was already 20+ restaurants. “GaRun” festival turned into an industry wide event and will only grow year upon year
Business Development
Market mapping & finding
the blue ocean strategy
Metrica Group, together with its partners, conducted consumer behavior
research, specifically discovering the beer, wine,
vodka and other alcoholic beverage drinking culture in Armenia. We
dug deep to find out what people drink, where they drink it, with
whom, etc.
For example vodka is a more everyday type of drink (with lunch or
dinner), whereas wine is more of an occasion (going out to drink wine
with friends).
Based on the data gained from research, we came across compelling
insights in the market. We discovered that all the big players of the
mainstream alcoholic beverage market and their products are reaching
the end of their lifecycle, which shows that there is a huge gap in
the youth market (Millennials/GenZ). Millennials/GenZ have been undervalued
by the alcoholic beverage market and we intend
to capitalize on that mistake
A clear and concise go-to-market strategy for an alcoholic beverage that
will grow market share and volume year on year as the millennials start
to mature as a group. The strategy included specific opinion leader
groups within the millennials, as well as key messaging components
customized to those groups.
Marketing & Communications
In an already highly competitive industry
increasing market share by using
behavioral tools.
Gaming is an industry of hunt and farm. You hunt for new players
(acquisition) after which you farm them
(retention) to cross sell and up sell your portfolio. It is also
unique in the sense that although the global market is growing at an
exponential rate the government restrictions are usually quick to
Taking into account the above mentioned trends we
had to move quickly into the details of playing behaviors and human
behaviors to be able to beat the competition. The first thing that
had to be done was map the Armenian population and break them down
into behavioral profiles; who they are, what they do and, most importantly, why they do it?
Product Passports - each product in the portfolio ended up with a
strategy (hunt or farm), a behavioral target group and a set of key
messages that should be communicated to win over the players and grow
market share.